filename='filename' set_plot,'ps'; redirect output to postscript file device,file=filename+'.eps'; specifically this file! device,/color; plot can be in color loadct,76,file='~weeks/ericcol.tbl'; load in my favorite color palette pfontold=!P.FONT; save the old font !P.FONT=1; switch to Postscript fonts device,set_font='Times',/tt_font; Times font, in particular ; these are just some colors Eric likes: col6=21; reddish purple col5=42; red col4=160; green col3=187; light blue/green col2=216; dark blue col1=255; dark purple ; sometimes when I have a figure with multiple stacked panels, I ; only want the x-axis to have numbers for the bottom panel. ; Therefore I use xtickname=bb to define all the names of the ; x-ticks to be blanks. Thus the next two lines: b=" " bb=[b,b,b,b,b,b,b] ; ===============================BEGIN PLOTTING BELOW ; ===============================END PLOTTING ABOVE !P.FONT=pfontold; restore previous font device,/close; close the postscript file set_plot,'X'; redirect plotting back to X-windows ; next two commands edit the postscript file so that the ; BoundingBox is exactly the size of the plot. This is ; from ; and then Eric wrote the second script. spawn,'~weeks/bin/ '+filename+'.eps' spawn,'~weeks/bin/ '+filename+'.eps' ; next few lines are to make a JPEG file in case you want to use ; it in powerpoint. You can change -xsize=900 to change the ; resolution of the JPEG. That is, larger numbers = ; more pixels. spawn,'pstopnm -portrait -stdout -xsize=900 '+filename $ +'.eps > blah.ppm' spawn,'pnmtojpeg -quality=95 blah.ppm > '+filename+'.jpg' spawn,'rm blah.ppm' cropjpg,filename+'.jpg' ; cropjpg is a program Eric wrote that reads in a JPG file, ; crops the image to be the size of the graph, and then ; rewrites the revised JPG file ; load in the JPEG and display it, just for fun: read_jpeg,filename+'.jpg',tmp ; this is to shrink the image, if needed tmp1=small(reform(tmp(0,*,*))) nx=n_elements(tmp1(*,0)) ny=n_elements(tmp1(0,*)) tmp4=bytarr(3,nx,ny) tmp4(0,*,*)=tmp1 tmp4(1,*,*)=small(reform(tmp(1,*,*))) tmp4(2,*,*)=small(reform(tmp(2,*,*))) erase ; uncomment one of these! tv,tmp,true=1 ; fullsize image ;tv,tmp4,true=1 ; halfsize image